Welcome to the Tallman Lake Senior Center Website!

Thanks for visiting our website. We’d like you to visit our center!

Map to Tallman Lake Senior Center
Map to TLSC from US-10 at Walhalla. Take Benson to East Marshall or Campbell to Bockstanz, depending on your direction of travel.

Whether you are a first-time visitor or have been stopping by for years, the information here will help you plan your visit. And if there comes a time when you are not able to visit in person, for just a little while, or longer, our outreach program will keep you connected to our fun and friendly social community and can help get you connected to the area and regional resources best suited to meet your needs.

Tallman Lake Senior Center (TLSC) is located in Branch Township, Mason County, MI. Our rural center has a Fountain mailing address, but it is located only two miles north of US-10 at Walhalla.

Exterior of Tallman Lake Senior Center
Front Entrance of Tallman Lake Senior Center

The center is situated on the southeast corner of the intersection of East Marshall and Maggie, and parking lots are accessible from each road. A parking space designated for handicapped accessibility is adjacent to the ramp going up to the front entrance located on the north side of the building. This entrance is equipped with automatic doors and leads directly into the main gathering space. Most activities, including mealtime service, are held here; some activities, depending on their nature, are held in the adjacent room.

Our center is open weekdays.

TLSC is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., except for holidays and for school closures declared by Mason County Central (MCC) School District due to inclement weather.

Day-to-day operations are carried out by the center director, who is the sole employee. Every effort will be made to provide volunteer coverage to keep the center open in the event the director experiences illness or unforeseen personal emergencies. If you are mobility challenged or travel accommodations are difficult to make, you are encouraged to call the center shortly before the time you intend to visit to confirm that the center is open as anticipated.

Please sign in every time you visit.

Whenever you do visit TLSC, be sure to sign the daily visitor log and indicate the primary reason for your visit. This record serves three important purposes:

  1. It is used to gauge the level of interest generated by any given activity.
  2. It provides some of the data furnished to the Mason County Board of Commissioners to show accountability for expenditures and to support requests of monies from millage funds.
  3. It is a tracking tool that provides a means to make contact with individual participants in the event of a public-health concern.
Box with a variety of snacks.
Help yourself to a snack!

You don’t, however, need to plan your visit around a specific event or activity. You are always welcome just to drop in to catch up on center news and “coffee klatch” informally, or if you choose, just to spend quiet time on your own with a jigsaw puzzle, book, your own handiwork project, or the Ludington Daily News that is delivered to the center for all to read.

Coffee, cold beverages, water, and snacks are available any time of the day at no cost, though donations are appreciated. Tasty meals, freshly prepared from scratch off-site by the senior meals team at MCC, are delivered to the center weekdays and are served at noon. The monthly menu features a wide variety of entrées. Each meal is nutritionally balanced and includes one serving of protein, three servings of fruit and vegetables, one serving of bread, and one serving of low-fat (1%) plain white or chocolate-flavored milk.

The cost is $6 for seniors under 60, $3 (as a suggested donation) for those 60 and up, and you can enjoy a meal for only $1 on the last Thursday of each month. There is a second sheet to sign at the front desk to indicate that you received and paid for your meal.

If you are able, please call 231-757-3306 the day before, or earlier, to place an order for your meal, but no later than 9:30 a.m. on the day you plan to join us for lunch.

Click the button for more information about senior meals, including Meals on Wheels home delivery.